Blogin pitäjä jäi aikaisemmassa viestissään kahvilan ja tilpehöörinkaupan lumoihin. Siitä selvittyään hän suuntasi yhä ylemmäs Drottninggatanille. Annettujen vinkkien perusteella herkullinen suklaakaupan pitäisi sijaita Luntmakargatan 50:ssä ja Nysta-lankakaupan jossain kohtaa Drottningatania... vai oliko se toisinpäin? Onneksi matkaajalla oli mukanaan kännykäksi kutsuttu vempain, joka tarjoilee pääsyn tähän internetin ihmeelliseen maailmaan. Asia varmistui, että osoitteet olivat sekoittuneet matkaajan mielessä. Alkoi Pralinhusetin metsästys matkan varrella. Ja kuin tilauksesta putiikki tuli vastaan. Blogin pitäjä suuntasi nenänsä kaupan uumeniin ja huhhuijakaa. Sinnehän voisi upottaa koko omaisuuden! *Budjetti pitää, budjetti pitää. Korkeitaan 100 kruunua* Alla oleva kuva osoittaa 64,5 kruunun veroiset ostokset. Makuina ovat granaattiomena, mango, mustikka ja baileys.
In the last posting, the blog writer was drinking latte and admiring these little things in a shop. After that she headed along Drottninggatan. According to the given tips a delicious chocolate shop should locate on Luntmakargatan 50 and the Nysta yarn store on Drottninggatan... or was it other way around? Luckily our traveller got her mobile phone that provides access to internet. It were confirmed that addresses were mixed up in her mind. So the hunting of Pralinhuset begun and suddenly she found the shop. Blog writer went inside and huih. You can spend a fortune there! *Remember my budget, remember my budget. Max. 100 SEK* The chocolate below is worth of 64,5 SEK. Flavours are granatäpple, mango, blåbär and baileys.
Kaupan jälkeen reissaaja päätti kavuta Observatorielundetin päälle.
After the shopping the traveller head to the top of Observatorielundet.
There was a funny text on a building on a playing ground.
On her way to yarn store, blog writer saw the funny little boutique called Di Nuovo. Shop gives a new life and shape to old clothes.
The blog writer's next task was to familiarize herself with the yarn store Nysta. Oh, shop had many tempting yarns, but common sense won. Only yarns for 2 pairs of socks and basic scarf ended up to the back bag. Ok, let's move on and the yarn story will be told in another post.
Okay, yarns in a bag and planning the route. A glance to the map showed that blog writer was in a totally wrong direction when thinking the original plans. After hard thinking she decided to see Johannes kyrka and Saluhall. Barcelona's market hall was a huge experience, so the traveler wanted to experience the atmosphere again.
Ensimmäisenä etappina koli Johanneksen kirkko. On se korkea juu. Harmi, että putiikki oli kiinni lauantaina. Reissaajan olisi varmaan pitänyt osua sunnuntaimessun aikaan pelipaikalle.
First pitstop was Johannes Kyrka. Oh, it's so high. What a shame that it was closed. Maybe traveler should be there while mass is held.
After seeing the church, it was time to the market hall.
A cute dog on the corner of Birger Jarlsgatan and Jutas Backen
Tukholmasta löytyi myös monenlaisia värikkäitä pyöriä. Alla oleva pyörä nojaili puuhun Kungliga Humlegårdenin vieressä.
You can find bikes in colorful colors. The bike below was having a break next to Kungliga Humlegården.
Lankakaupan ja kauppahallin väliin mahtuu muuten monenmoista putiikkia ja pytinkiä. Silmiin pistävää oli, että vastaan tulevat ravintolat olivat pääasiassa aasialaisia. Oli sushia, thaita, kiinalaista ja ties mitä. Tänään ei maistuisi aasialainen ruoka, vaan kauan toivottu pitsa oli matkaajan mielessä. Alla oleva Ingelsta Kalkon näytti hyvältä ruokapaikalta Humlegårdsgatanilla, mutta taustatuen puuttuessa reissaaja koki ravintolan liian haasteelliseksi nälän hiipiessä ajatuksiin. Pitihän tiskiltä valita omat täytteet salaattiin ja muihin ruokiin. Ensi kerralla reissaaja uskaltautunee tänne, jos täällä päin liikuskelee.
There are different kind of boutiques between the yarn store and market hall. The traveler noticed that there are quite many Asian restaurants. There was sushi, thai, chinese, etc. Saturday wasn't Asian food day. She had wished a pizza for a long time, so today her wishes should come tru. Ingelsta Kalkon shown below looked quite interesting place to eat, but lack of support it was too challening place. Yes, you should pick up what you want to your sallad. Maybe next time.
Each kid dream! A bench was placed under the window, so the short people could see the window too. Picture below there is a Ferris wheel and skydivers are invading against the enemy. The shop is called Koffert.
Finally traveler arrived to market hall. The market hall was very unique experience. Inside they were selling fresh fish, meat, veggies and sweet products. And we shouldn't forget those lovely breads and cheeses, njam. It's a tempting idea to have a lunch there, but it's not good idea nyway. You may have to stand in a queue for an hour.
The journey continued to the right from the corner of the market hall along Nybrogatan. The blog writer was so hungry after all these lovely smells. The Asian restaurants still poped up until one door looked promising. The menu showed that they serve pizza and the prices were suitable for lunch. This is the place! The restaurant Capri has 10 SEK fee for the jackets, but still you should eat here. Pizza tasted absolutely great and the athmosphere was so italian. I choose championen, olives and real parmaham to my pizza. When you tak a closer look to waiters and you can notice that they all were men in their fifties. The athmosphere was cosy, so eating alone wasn't ackward. Also you will get your order quite quickly.
After the lunch traveler's trip continued towards Nybronplan. If someone wants to go to bar in the middle of the day, you can go to bar in Nybrongatan. The bar is called Soap.
The report will end to Nybronplan where was very windy and cold. In the next post we'll find out the rest o f the trip. Goodbye and good night!
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