Matkani jatkui Nybroplanilta kohti vanhaa kaupunkia, nyt kun siellä päin liikuskelin. Nybroplanilla kohtasin melko tuimannäköisen bussin.
I continued my trip from Nybroplan to old town. Well, I was in the neighborhood. I saw a pretty evil looking buss on Nybronplan.Alla näkymiä Ladugårdslandsvikenille ja vastarannoille.
Below views to Ladugårdslandsviken and to opposite shores. Suuntasin vanhaan kaupunkiin Stallgatanin kautta, jossa minua tervehti uljas hevospatsas.
I headed to old town via Stallgatan where this proud horse statue greeted me. Päästyäni Strömbronin liepeille näinkin jo kunkkulinnan. Victoria ei ollut tälläkään kertaa vastassa minua. Hmh, odottaisin nyt edes säädyllistä päivällistä. Kuten alemmasta kuvasta voi päätellä, tässä vaiheessa oli suorastaan jäätävän kylmää. Tuuli kylmensi ilmaa kiitettävästi ja taivas tarjoili sadetta. Sateenvarjosta ei ollut juurikaan iloa.
I arrived to Strömbron where you can see the royal palace. I was disappointed, because Victoria wasn't waiting for me and having dinner with me. As you can see, it was so cold at this point. Wind made the weather even colder and it was raining a bit. There were no use for umbrella.
Päivän kolmas bongattu pyörä. Toisesta en onnistunut ottamaan kuvaa, koska kadulla oli ohikulkijoita aivan liikaa.
The third bike of the day. I was unable to take a picture from the second bike, because the street were so crowded.
Under Strömbron was quite heavy flow. I don't envy the local ducks. They need to flutter more than enough at this spot.
I continued to Slottsbacken. Again there were more and more tourists. At top of the hill, I saw the Finnish church. I think I've saw that in the earlier trips too.
Views to Skeppsholmen.
I walked along Bollhusgränden. I had to replan my route, because brides and grooms were having their wedding picture in the alley. Beatiful couples, but I think it might be a freezing to take the pictures.
At the end I ended up next to Tyska kyrkan to Kindstugatan. I took photo from the street, but I didn't pay attention to passers-by. After I downloaded the pictures to computer, I noticed that a man was wiping his nose in the picture.
I turned to Västerlånggatan when I started to think going back to Västerås. It was cold at this point, but I didn't gave up yet. I walked along the street towards the downtown and took a look to smaller alleys. A flower shop was so full of flowers.
Small archways invited me to go the inner court of Riksdagens förvaltninghuset. At this time I memorialized bottom of the statue.
When I was standing on Myntgatan, the rain ended and sun was shining for a moment. Below pictures from the sun and Riddarsholm church tower. I like these pictures, bu no glue if there are successful ones when thinking the rules of photographing.
I enjoyed the sun by taking a detour along Bankkajen and take a look on Riksdagenhuset. The house had amazing chandeliers and the windows are nice too.
I ended up to Drottninggatan and x-mas lights decorated the street.
As you can see sun was shining and wind was blowing on Riksbron.
I stopped by to candy store on the beginning of Drottninggatan. The selection for chocolated were so good. Also the candies were attempting. I planned to have candy for train trip until other customer asked if the store accept credit cards. This must be pretty much the only place in Sweden that doesn't accpet the credit cards. I couldn't buy any candy, but next time I know what to do.
I found my way to railway station. I planned to buy a ticket to train that leaves after hour and half. Yeps, the train was sold out. My options was trains leaving after 3 hours or half an hour. I choose the earlier train.
The regional train from outside and inside.
The earlier train turned out to good choice, because after leaving it begun snowing. It was snowing more and more all the time. While I waited the local buss I got totally wet and it was so cold. My day in Stockholm was good. I think we need to explorer the city by bikes during the summer.
1 kommenttia:
Tosi hienoja noi Riddarsholmin kirkko -kuvat. Niistä sais vaikka hienon julisteen :).
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